Played bright Fuchsia hat and feathers
Headdress of raffia bright brown colour, adorned with black hat with flower-shaped feathers.

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Tiara de metal color oro brillante, con un maravilloso diseño de ramilletes de flores con grandes hojas. Está adornado con pequeños brillos blancos de diferentes tamaños. Es muy sencilla de colorar porque es amoldable y en sus extremos se puede incorporar dos horquillas o cintas a su gusto, para failitar el agarre. Mide 31 cm de largo por 6 cm de de alto...
Clamp metalicaadornada by accounts and brightness of color Fuchsia, roda and multicolored. It has a beautiful design, it is ideal to adorn collected or semi-recogidos and very easy to install. Measures 12 cm of long by 6 cm of high maximum.
Fork peina in metal silver finish, with an elegant floral design with a beautiful central flower and leaves, the set is adorned by white glare of various designs. It measures 5 cm high by 3 cm maximum width, regardless of the fork. It is ideal to wear in collected and semi-recogidos since it weighs and can show off one or several units of the same design.
Bella tiara de metal en color oro brillante con un adorno floral, compuesto por pequeños brillos bllancos y cristal. Está montado sobre un cordel metálico flexible, que permite su colocación y adaptación al contorno de la cabeza, se fija con horquillas y mide 28 cm de largo por 2.8 cm de alto máximo.
Played headband adorned with Rhinestones in black and gold and glitter.
Elegant touched in color blue Peacock or electric, formed by a base of raffia of 12 cm of diameter decorated by a Crown of feathers and accounts in the same tonality. Has four large feathers of some 28 cm not rigid that you give elegance and styling. As grip carries a built-in comb making easier your hair placement. This design is available in other colours.
Peina realizada en metal color dorado viejo con diseño floral y adornada con brillos fucsia. No pesa y es muy sencilla de colocar, ya que el peina agarra con facilidad en el cabello. Preguntar disponibilidad con brillos de otras tonalidades. Mide 11 cm de largo por 3,5 cm de alto, sin tener en cuenta el peine metálico.
Metal headband in gold colour in the form of branches with leaves of imitation designs Greek-Roman.