Comb silver new garden
Comb in metal in new silver with a beautiful design. Ideal for traditional brides, bridesmaids, bridesmaids and guests. Measures 10.7 cm long by 4 cm maximum height, without taking into account subject to the hair comb.

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Comb in old gold color shaped oval, carved with a beautiful design. Ideal to wear at weddings and large events. Measures 8.4 cm long by 4.5 cm high, without taking into account subject to the hair comb.
Tiara silver with elegant design covered by white brightness of different sizes, is elegant and not heavy. Ideal for large events. It measures 5 cm high maximum and carries two side metal Combs for greater grip the hair.
Bella peina de metal en color plata vieja, está diseñada con motivos florales de pequeñas flores y ramas adornado con pequeños brillos blancos. Mide 9.6 cm de largo por 2.2 cm de alto, sin tener en cuenta el peine de sujeción al cabello. Es muy sencilla y elegante.
Crown of flowers beige, cream and coral, combines the fabric, lace, rubber eva, green leaves and multiple ornaments. It has about 18 cm in diameter and carries a beautiful ribbon of transparent fabric for its fit to the contour of the head. It is ideal to wear with hair collected or loose in ceremonies.
Metal headband in Greek-Roman silver in the form of branches with leaves of imitation designs.
Large peina cover shines, with an original and fabulous design, ideal for collected.Measures 11.5 cm long and 3.5 cm high, regardless of grip Hair Combs.
Bella tiara de metal en color oro brillante con un adorno floral, compuesto por pequeños brillos bllancos y cristal. Está montado sobre un cordel metálico flexible, que permite su colocación y adaptación al contorno de la cabeza, se fija con horquillas y mide 28 cm de largo por 2.8 cm de alto máximo.
Elegant design of large peina for brides in bright, decorated with pearls and shiny silver color, consisting of a greater attachment to the hair comb, is moldable and multi-posicional.12 cm in width and 12 cm high.