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- Categories: Peinetas de novia
Comb color old silver, with an elegant design pierced and decorated subtly white glitters. Measures 10.7 cm long by 2.4 cm high, without metal subject to the hair comb. It is ideal to wear with collected and multi-posicional or semi-recogidos.
Comb color bright silver, with an elegant design of two sheets covered with white sparkles. Measures 9.6 cm long by 2.5 cm high, without metal subject to the hair comb. It is ideal to wear with collected and multi-posicional or semi-recogidos.
Comb old golden color with a sleek and stylish design, covered with white sparkles of different sizes. Ideal to wear with collected and semi-recogidos. It measures 10 cm long by 5 cm tall, regardless of cash subject to the hair comb.
Set of 4 small flowers of white Glitters, measuring 1.2 cm in diameter each, they are very nice since the central brightness gives multicolor reflexes, are attached to a small metal spring to ease its grip the hair loose or picked up.
Comb bright silver, adorned with white small flowers shaped glitters. It weighs, is very easy to put on the hair and is 10 cm long. It is ideal to wear in collected and semirecogidos.
Comb bright silver, decorated with shiny white in the form of branches and flowers. It weighs, is very easy to put on the hair and is 10 cm long. It is ideal to wear in collected and semirecogidos.
Peina in bright silver colour, adorned with small white sparkles and one greater central brightness, has a beautiful design and safety lock. Measures 6.5 cm long by 3.7 cm high. Available also the snap set.
Peina of metal shiny silver, covered by beautiful white brightness of different sizes, forming an elegant circular design. It is adorned by a central rectangle shaped shine. It measures 5 cm in diameter regardless of the comb and weighs. Available also on peina and brooch.
Peina en forma de rosa abierta cubierta de brillos, está realizada en metal color plata viaja con un bello diseño. Mide 9 cm de ancho por 6 cm de alto, sin tener en cuenta la peina metálica de sujección al cabello. Es sencilla de colocar e ideal para lucir en bodas y eventos de noche.
Peina de metal adornada con un elegante diseño y brillos blancos de diferentes tamaños. Mide 7,2 cm de largo por 2,2 cm de alto, sin tener en cuenta el peine de agarre al cabello. Es muy elegante, no pesa y es muy fácil de posicionar.
Peineta de metal color oro blanco en forma de flor con ramas y hojas, cubierta con bellos brillos blancos de diferentes tamaños. Tiene un favorecedor diseño y mide 7 cm de largo por 6 cm de alto, sin tener en cuenta el peine de sujeción al cabello. Es muy sencillo de colocar y no pesa.
Peineta de metal color oro blanco en forma de flor con ramas y hojas, cubierta con bellos brillos blancos de diferentes tamaños. Tiene un favorecedor y sencillo diseño. Mide 5.8 cm de largo por 3.2 cm de alto, sin tener en cuenta el peine de sujeción al cabello. Es muy sencillo de colocar y no pesa.