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Color non-glossy Style Bangle Gold Bracelet, carved with an elegant design.
Shape bracelet bracelet of golden color with a beautiful design circular and decorated with sparkles.
Bracelet adorned with sparkles, an elegant circular design and safety lock.
Shape bracelet Bangle silver color with a beautiful flower design.
Bracelet in silver, adorned with a Pearl colored gradient from white to silver-grey.
Tricolor Bangle Bracelet with three links in silver, gold and bronze, with close security and adjustable chain.It is very comfortable and not weighs nothing.
Bracelet of sleek design, consisting of pearls of different sizes, decorated with different metal parts and safety lock.
Bracelet of sleek design, consisting of pearls of different sizes, decorated with different metal parts and safety lock.
Bracelet Bangle with an elegant and original design, decorated and covered glitters.