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Beautiful set of earrings and peina, both covered with shiny gold color gold. The peina measured 7.3 cm long by 3.4 cm high, regardless of the comb. Earrings measuring 4.5 cm tall by 2.2 cm in maximum width.


Beautiful set of earrings and peina, both new silver colour covered with white sparkles. The peina measured 7.3 cm long by 3.8 cm high, regardless of the comb. Earrings measure 3.8 cm high by 2 cm in maximum width.


Beautiful set of earrings and peina, both covered with white shiny gold. The peina measured 7.3 cm long by 2.8 cm high, regardless of the comb. Earrings measure 6 cm high by 2.5 cm in maximum width.

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